Latest Investment Plate Listings

  • Listed below are the latest Investment and Personalised Plates offered for sale by their owners. Use the contact details along side the plate in the main listing to contact the owners directly.

    If you have difficulty contacting the plate owner, please contact us.

Offer in
NZ ISF $28,000 ONOPersonalised Plate
FN $20,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with A-L
5V55V5 5,000 ONONumber letter number repeating
VCD 2,999 ONOPersonalised Plate
WT $16,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with M-Z
XFIVE 3,999 ONOPersonalised Plate
WP $15,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with M-Z
A7A $12,000 ONOLetter/number/letter
515 $12,000 ONONumbers - symmetrical
8X58 3,999 ONOPersonalised Plate
F88F 4,999 ONOPersonalised Plate
WD $16,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with M-Z
WH $15,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with M-Z
BP $70,000 ONOLetter/letter starting with A-L
HELL 100,000 ONOPersonalised Plate
50 $45,000 ONONumber/letter Range 5-9